Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Cit's Christmas Tree

The semester is almost over -- only final exams stand between the cadets and Christmas break!

Paul and I went to the beautiful Candlelight Christmas Service Monday night. The cadet choir and brass ensemble did a fantastic job, and many more cadets were involved as ushers, decorators, etc. Props to the chem cadets who took part in the service. Also, huge thanks to all the people in the Cit family who have made us feel so welcome since we arrived in August. It really is a family, and I'm so glad we're a part of it.

Now quit surfing the Internet and get back to studying for finals. That's an order. ^_^


Blogger Doc said...

Or grading them (finals). ;-)

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Paul said...


2:25 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Scary... :)

9:06 PM  

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