Monday, December 08, 2008

Finally, a post-Thanksgiving post

I apologize for not blogging since Thanksgiving. But I tweeted a lot. Does that count?

The drive home was blessedly short; I think we cut it to about 11.5 hours (and that's only because Paul drives a wee bit faster than me). We played the same game I've played since I was two or three: looking for letters of the alphabet on signs and billboards. The first half of the alphabet always flies by, but it usually takes at least an hour to find a Q and a couple more to find an X. We made it through the alphabet one and a half times on our way to Memphis and two times on the way home. (Big props to Zaxby's for twice giving me a much-needed Z.) I have never, ever taken a road trip on which I haven't played that game. I made it through the alphabet several times over on each of my two road trips from Memphis to Toronto and back.

Paul and I also passed the time with a lot of new stuff on our iPods, including some 330 songs by The Who and plenty of Coast to Coast.

As I mentioned in my last post, much of my house was deconstructed by the time we arrived in Memphis, but I salvaged a few things we left behind when we moved (the bottom of my cake carrier, cosmetics, a dozen towels, two spoons and a butter knife ...). I also came home with many Thanksgiving leftovers that remind me my cooking will never be as tasty or comforting or blessedly Southern as the dishes produced by Mom, my grandmother and my aunts. Maybe someday.

The sucky thing about coming back to Charleston has been facing facts: Paul and I aren't having much of a Christmas this year. I wasn't expecting to be out of work so long. We're not going to Memphis to see our family and friends (for several reasons, including cost and schedule). We're not buying many gifts, though I am sending out more holiday cards than usual. We don't have space (or money) for a tree or lights or wreaths or what-have-you. Heck, we can't even gather around a warm fire or hang stockings from the mantel because our loveseat blocks the fireplace. None of the furniture moves in our apartment because there's nowhere for it to go. So I'm not expecting Christmas miracles this year.

None of that bothers me as much as knowing there are three people who mean a lot to me that I feel powerless to help this season. It's tearing me up. :(

In lieu of real shopping, I'm dreaming big with some virtual window-shopping. I resurrected my MetaWishlist from 2005. Funny thing: I'm at a point where there aren't many material things I need (hey, I've got shelter, friends, family, kitties, etc.) -- and I've had trouble even coming up with a list of practical things I want. So I'm throwing all that practical nonsense to the wind. My list includes everything from the inane (bacon-flavored dental floss) to geeky (Fruits Basket) to wishful thinking (a three-carat diamond ring from my friend Johnny's new store. But, hey, if you've got $100,000 you want to spend on me, I won't complain.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

The alphabet game is sadly easy between Colorado Springs and Riverton. There are Dairy Queens, exit signs, and ads that use z's in places of s's.

Bacon-flavored dental floss? Holy macaroni, that's horrifying!

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Paul said...

If by horrifying you mean tasty and awesome.

Note - do not buy us that.

3:48 PM  

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