On Google Mail Goggles
I enabled Google Mail Goggles today, just for kicks. Mail Goggles is an app that helps you avoid sending late-night, less-than-appropriate e-mails. You select days and times to enable the app (mine is enabled from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. seven days a week), and Gmail asks you a series of five math questions that you must answer correctly in 60 seconds before you're able to send an e-mail during those times. Wrong answer or too slow? Be prepared to answer five more questions.
Google also allows you to set the problem difficulty, with 1 being easy and 5 being difficult. I chose 5. Why the heck not?! :D
Got my first taste of Mail Goggles when I sent an e-mail to a friend at 3 a.m. I'd already had an Ambien in me for a couple of hours, which makes me goofy and talkative, usually e-mailing or blogging things I normally wouldn't in an uncompromised state. The Ambien made me slow, but I answered the questions with 13 seconds remaining. Here's a sampling of the Mail Goggle Level 5 questions. (Remember, you get 60 seconds.)
I pulled it off ... but just barely. How do you guys think you'd do?
No matter what my ACT scores said, I suck at math. Division is for squares.
I've been using this for awhile, now, just for fun. It has taken me more than one try before, but never when I've been drinking. I think I would just break out the calculator.
A shot of alcohol makes me basically incoherent >_<, and as it is, I would never pass Mail Goggles - even if i was sober.
I haven't had to break out the calculator yet, but I swear, once that 3 a.m. mark rolls around, I am barely able to comprehend 842 - 174, much less answer it.
"Okay, 842 minus 100 is 752, minus four is 748, minus 70 ... wait, where was I?
But, yeah, Paul's not kidding about his (even sober) math ability without a calculator. I just tell myself his head is so full of other smart stuff that there's no room for addition and subtraction. @_@
That would be dangerous, because I'd just get frustrated and pick up the phone, which could be worse than an e-mail!
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