Friday, December 12, 2008

Taxes are ... taxing

In the six years Paul and I have been married, I have always done our taxes online myself. No muss, no fuss. But I'm seriously considering going to a tax professional next spring to file my '08 taxes because it's going to be much more complicated than in previous years. Here's what we've got going on:
  • Income from three employers across two states
  • State income tax in S.C. but no state income tax in Tenn.
  • Moving expenses (with receipts)
  • Large donations to charitable organizations before we moved (with receipts)
  • At least one 1099-Misc for my freelance editing work
  • Write-off for use of home office
  • Stock sale at a loss
The IRS estimates an individual's tax filing expenses around $48 -- but that includes both simple and complex filings, as well as the use of everything from tax software to a tax professional. In other words, it's a completely useless statistic. My $19.95 fee to use TaxACT the past six years obviously is nowhere close to the cost of using a professional tax preparer each year.

I've consulted H&R Block's tax preparation cost estimator -- it's really quite nice -- and selecting the criteria mentioned above, it estimates my cost for hiring a tax professional is $239.75. That's making me seriously consider whether to stick with the tax software. It might be a lot more effort on my part, but I have no doubt I could pull it off if needed ... and it would save me $220.

Can anyone weigh in either way about how they get their taxes prepared?


Blogger angrygrrface said...

Have you looked up accountants? Mine charges me $40, no matter how complicated my taxes are.

You have a lot of tax information, and accountants usually have pretty competitive prices for tax prep.

6:59 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

Agree with L here. We had pretty complicated taxes too (Wife went from employee to co-owner of company, meaning she has to pay her own taxes quarterly!) so we have an accountant do it. And he's GOOD too. A good accountant in private practice is better than one of the fresh-out-of-school guys at H&R Block. No offense to them, just sayin'.

7:36 AM  

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