Monday, December 08, 2008

Write or Die: A writer's best friend (or worst nightmare)

Write or Die is a nifty little app that forces writers to ... write. (Wow. I used the same word three times in one sentence. Thesaurus FTW!) You set a time goal and a word count, and then you better hop to it because the alternative is kind of crappy.

From the site:

Negative Reinforcement "strengthens a behavior because a negative condition is stopped or avoided as a consequence of the behavior."

  • Gentle Mode: A certain amount of time after you stop writing, a box will pop up, gently reminding you to continue writing.
  • Normal Mode: If you persistently avoid writing, you will be played a most unpleasant sound. The sound will stop if and only if you continue to write.
  • Kamikaze Mode: Keep Writing or Your Work Will Unwrite Itself

These consequences will persist until your preset conditions have been met (that is, your time is up or you've written you wordcount goal or both)

Keep writing or your work will unwrite itself? Wish I'd had that as an excuse for a couple of my college term papers. "You gotta understand -- it just kept unwriting itself!"


Anonymous Paul said...

The real question is - will it rewrite the stuff it deleted?

Seriously, who the hell thought kamikaze was a good idea.
hey guys, i have this feature that EVERYONE will love and use. It deletes stuff a writer wrote.

4:16 PM  
Blogger Doc said...

I used to think "the dog ate my homework" was as far-fetched as it got. Then I put mine on a diet. Came home one day to find that she'd eaten--I kid you not--eaten my bank statement and about a quarter of the paper in the printer tray. Now I believe anything is possible.

11:03 AM  

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