Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 Random Things About Me (because I'm too late to re-meme this on Facebook)

I was tagged on Facebook with the "25 Random Things About Me" meme and put my list together while I couldn't sleep last night. My original intent was to post it over there, but I think I was tagged so late that the bandwagon probably can't handle one more person. So I'll stick it here instead. I tried to keep it short.

If you're on my friends list and posted over there, I've read it ... but I think you should repost to your blogs. And if you haven't put one together yet, please do. It's more fun than you think it will be. :)

Now, without further ado:

25 Random Things About Me
  1. I have an extra bone near my Achilles tendons in both feet. I’m lacking part of a bone in my wrist to make up for it.
  2. I love coffee, but I’m fiendish about tea.
  3. Music is a vital part of my life. When I’m not listening, I’m playing or singing.
  4. Before I go to bed, I play video games or work a crossword puzzle. Every night.
  5. Paul and my girls, Fred-Kitty and Joe-Kitty, make all this worth it.
  6. I’m addicted to cartoons; Spongebob is my crack.
  7. I’ve suddenly developed an affinity for black olives and onions.
  8. However, mushrooms are still a no-go. I read Oliver’s Picnic too many times as a child.
  9. I listen to Coast to Coast AM. And I believe.
  10. I am deeply, personally affected by pain and death. This makes it hard to work in news.
  11. I won a Crayola state crayon-naming contest with my entry, Tennesienna. It’s framed on my mantel.
  12. My Myers-Briggs personality type is INFJ (The Protector). (Free test here.)
  13. I was diagnosed with major depression in 2001 and with bipolar type II in 2005. I am not at all ashamed of this. Fight the stigma.
  14. I drive a Saturn Vue Green Line hybrid. It’s really more of a closet on wheels.
  15. I’m my own toughest critic …
  16. ... Which means I’m partly to blame for my horrible self-esteem.
  17. I’ve had insomnia since I got married. I don’t think they’re connected.
  18. I compulsively buy lipstick. It’s my shop therapy.
  19. I talk in my sleep.
  20. I write well but barely can hold a verbal conversation.
  21. Because of this, I rarely answer my phone and only return urgent voice mails. E-mail, IM or text me. I get all three on my phone … and I usually reply.
  22. My most crippling Scrabble defeat was in 1999, when I fell to a well-placed “vapid.”
  23. I can’t roll my R’s but still made A’s in my college Spanish classes.
  24. I lived in Memphis for 28 years. I miss a lot of little things.
  25. I’ve lived in Charleston for five months and every day still seems like vacation.
Now you.


Anonymous Paul said...

1. I am completely awesome.
2. I like video games too.
Skip a few.
24. Been playin since i was like 3
25. I am completely random

12:56 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

I think #11 is the most interesting random thing I didn't know... which is sort of amazing, considering we've never actually MET!

My list is on Facebook.

8:07 AM  
Blogger De said...

Do I post over at Retcon Redux or on Facebook.

I shouldn't have to make such dire decisions on a weekend.

11:13 PM  

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