Saturday, January 24, 2009

Inauguration gaff(e)

Have you guys seen the Gigapan pic of the Obama inauguration? Pretty darn cool. To demonstrate what's visible, the front page of has a zoom on some Secret Service dudes on a rooftop Far, Far Away. Some eagle-eyed folks have spotted this punchline-less joke in the pic:

I hear the joke goes "Two stagehands walk into a bar. ... The second one had gaff tape."

I'll be honest: I don't get it. I know, I know, a joke loses some of its glory when you have to explain it. But I'm open to explanations ... or a better punchline if you've got one. :)

Tomorrow: ACES regional conference, a chance to get together with other copy editors and brandish red pens with wild abandon. I'm attending a track called "Life After Newspapers." (Surprise, surprise -- it appears I'm not the only one in my situation.) I'm just bummed I can't find my Weapon of Mass Correction mug!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bright colors of gaff tape are put on bars like this one, to prevent one from running into it.

1:26 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

<3 Thanks, Anon. <3

7:02 AM  
Anonymous anonymous said...

That wasn't me by the way.

3:14 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

That pic is awesome. Hee hee :)

5:20 PM  

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