Thursday, January 22, 2009

Not nervous anymore! :D

Thanks bunches to all the people who saw my away message asking for "happy energy" and sent me notes of support. I really, really appreciated it. Here's one note I got on my phone (and I reprint it here because the guy hates blogs and will never see it):
I was going to pick you up some happy energy, but Convenient only had morose energy and apathetic energy. Well, the guy said they had apathetic energy, but I couldn't see it anywhere.
Hey, any other Ohioans out there who can dish on Convenient? That's the most generic name for a convenience store ever! And it's a chain of generically named stores! When I lived in Memphis, there was a shopping center near me whose tenants included "Cafe," "Podiatrist," and "Pianos." Nearby was a smaller center with "Nails" and "Insurance." So much for branding.

I asked for the blast of happy energy because I was nervous about my lung recheck today, but it went fine. The diagnosis was bronchitis and "uncontrolled asthma" (which isn't true; it is controlled when I'm not sick!). They set up an appointment for Friday with a pulmonologist for a lung function test and a chest x-ray, but I'm not nervous at all about those. I've had both done before and they're painless. Then it's back to my regular doc in two weeks to hand over the last remaining contents of my wallet. The whole reason I put off going to the doctor was because we're on one income. Big mistake!

No, I'm not going to stop playing Rock Band. You know that generic Fall Out Boy song that sounds like all the other Fall Out Boy songs and has the line: "Sing until your lungs give out"? Yeah, that's me. In all seriousness, I'm hoarse (neeeeigh!) and can't do many songs in a row -- and I'm rarely hitting 100s right now -- but I'm still hitting in the high 90s on Expert. So hit me up if you want to play.

Oh, I'm on my nebulizer indefinitely, which means I get to keep breathing through a tube three times a day. I think I've already heard all the salty one-liners related to that, but by golly, keep 'em coming.


Blogger smacky said...

I won't be so crass as to make a "tube" joke, but if you wanted to post some of the best ones you've received, I'd get a chuckle out of that!

Glad you had good news. My wife's getting kidney stone surgery next week.

5:55 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

This isn't an adult blog, Smacky. ;) My mother could be reading this (but I hope not)! A more family-friendly suggestion has been to run the tube into a Darth Vader mask, then disguise the air compressor as a toy poodle ... because that's the kind of dog Darth Vader would carry around.

Well, it's a funny mental image at the very least.

Sorry to hear about your wife. Another friend's mother probably will have gallbladder surgery next week. Both are reminders that it could be much worse. And if I had to guess, it's costing you a bit more than it's costing me, too.

Every time I pull out my credit card at my doctor's office, I mentally kick myself because I totally went into the wrong field. Nobody told me how little editors make until it was Way Too Late to switch majors. :P

6:55 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

P.S. What day is she having surgery? I'll say an extra little prayer for you guys.

6:57 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

Her surgery is February 10. Until then, she's on pain meds and anti-nausea meds. Poor thing.

Hey, since editors are so poor anyway, how about trying a non-profit? I still make jack, but I have excellent health insurance. Laura dropped her company's and got on mine because it's so much better. Between the kidney stone and last year's MRSA, I'll definitely choose good insurance over a few more dollars (taxed anyway) in each check.

11:37 PM  

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