Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 1 Bracket Update

After Day 1, I'm in fourth place in my pool (13 of 16 picks). Paul's in second place (15 of 16). Both of our brackets were in some serious danger right out of the gate. Memphis was playing way below their level, and the one-point UCLA win over VCU was heart-stopping. We both have Memphis slated to win the championship, so that would be a huge blow. I have UCLA losing in the Sweet 16; Paul has them losing in the Final Four.

We're both doing better than President Obama, with 11 of 16 after Day 1. Obama and I have the same Final Four picks, but differ on who's going to the championships. ... And of course, I'm right.

Okay, bedtime. Gotta get up early and do this whole tournament coverage again tomorrow.


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