Sunday, March 15, 2009

March Madness: The "It's Almost On" edition

It's Selection Sunday! Yay! I planned my entire day around it (meaning I reneged on original plans to do the RB2 Endless Setlist on Expert).

Real Life has been kind of crazy lately, which means I haven't been keeping up with the basketball season much (hey, that's what SportsCenter is for, no?), but I'm confident my bracket is still going to beat the pants off everyone else in my pick 'em tourney.

It's a smidge bittersweet because most of the people in my pick 'em are my former newspaper coworkers. I wish I could be there to watch the games with them. Last March was so fun and so, so unproductive. As far as last year's pick 'em went, I did pretty well (read: I beat my boss, my hubby, and quite a few of my friends who are hardcore b-ball fans). And this year's kitty is a little bigger -- around $300, from what I hear.

My favorite winning pick 'em strategy was told to me by a coworker last year. His wife, as I recall, won their tourney by choosing teams based solely on the coolness of their mascot. (Say what you will, but Long Live the Stanford Tree!)

I'll post my bracket once it's finished -- and definitely before Thursday.

Okay, time to pop open a beer and get this thang on.


Anonymous Paul said...

You know what baffles me.
All of the "Memphis got snubbed" from a number 1 talk from ESPN. Yes, i know, ESPN - but come on. They are in a pretty decent bracket. And they were going to be 4th #1 anyways, so still stuck playing Louisville.

God i hope memphis and louisville make the final four - and then we beat them! That would be all kinds of awesome and talk about renewing the rivalry.

11:22 AM  

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