Thursday, March 12, 2009

On the value of an extended warranty

Had a flat tire when I went out to the Vue last night. It's karma for playing my music too loud during Kate's First Warm Day Ritual.

Fortunately, I have an extended warranty with roadside/hazard help, so I called them to tow it to Saturn this morning. Had the tire fixed and an oil change, then the service techs took it on a test drive around the parking lot to check the integrity of the tire.

When they came back, they asked if I'd noticed a roaring noise when I drove. (No, I hadn't. Then again, how am I supposed to know how my car is supposed to sound with no reference point?) Long story short, my wheel bearings are fubar. It's going to take a few hours to fix -- though I was promised it will be ready today -- so Paul brought me home to goof off until it's ready to be picked up.

Fortunately, it's all covered under that 100,000-mile, bumper-to-bumper warranty. Phew.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

I'm glad your car will be okay :)

3:45 PM  

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