Thursday, April 23, 2009

And suddenly he pays attention

As I've said many times in my blog, I'm adopted. Depending on my mood, I most often approach this with an indifferent "meh." But when my therapist said it would be helpful -- though not mandatory -- to find whether there's a history of mental illness in my birth family, it opened a door for me to ask.

Kickin' rad. So I did. Casually. In conversation with mom that night.

She said she'd only had a brief chance to read over my birth history but knew she "had to memorize everything on there so I could remember it later." She said we'd talk about it more when she and Dad visit in early May. (It wouldn't be packin' and movin' time without Mom and Dad here!)

She gave me the 30-second version over the phone: mom named Carol, lineage from Quebec, intelligent, something about VMI. I relayed this to an indifferent Paul, who was surfing the Intarweb. "VMI? What about VMI?" Paul said, perking up.

"Oh, I dunno. I guess I'll find out when Mom gets here."

"That's, like, kinda funny," he replied. VMI/Cit is like Louisville/Memphis or Palmer/Nicklaus or ... I dunno ... Windows/Mac, or something.


Anonymous Paul said...

I perked up because it was like - out of the blue.

Someone from Quebec going to VMI and a girl. That is like the ultimate WTF.

Also - i was reading over your shoulder

3:51 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Yeah. I can't even claim it was shorthand. It was Kate scribbling on a blue, magnetic "Let It Snow" notepad with a pen (your pen, I might add) that barely worked.

VMI. Woman. 1970s. Right.

4:44 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

My dad is a VMI grad.

5:29 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

From what I understand, the missile on the Cit campus is pointed at VMI. Do you know if VMI does anything similar toward The Cit?

4:12 AM  

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