Saturday, April 25, 2009

Encore, encore (the "Mom" convo)

Tonight, XBL Rock Band, Paul on guitar, Jon on bass, Drew on drums, Kate -- checking her e-mail and singing vocals.
(Very inebriated) Drew: "Kate, 's your turn to pick. This is our encore, ev'rybody. Thanks for coming out and don't forget to pick up our album!"
Kate (scrolling through song list): "It's our encore, for real? Last song tonight?"
(Paul whispers, "Ooh, ooh, pick 'Real Good Looking Boy'")
(Kate quietly picks "Real Good Looking Boy")
Drew: "Aww, don' be sad, Kate. We'll play together tomorrow or something."
Kate: "No, it's not that. ... I just got an e-mail from my birth mother."
Jon and Drew: "Your birth mother?"
Kate (biting her lip): "Yeah."
Drew: "Well, that pretty much says it all right there."
Considering the e-mail I'd received literally eight seconds earlier and the context of the lyrics, I'm not sure if "Real Good Looking Boy" was the best song or the worst song on which to end the set. To my credit, I was the top performer, and to my double-credit, I stole Drew's favorite backup-singer line. ... We'll discuss details later.

[Edit: It's Saturday afternoon. Drew doesn't remember playing "Real Good Looking Boy" last night ... or that conversation at all, for that matter. Wow. Total blackout. I'm ... wow.]


Blogger Dr. Ew said...

Having read this post that convo's a bit more memorable. Especially the part where you stole my gag. Unconscionable.

9:10 AM  

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