Monday, April 27, 2009

We'll be together soon?

If you've e-mailed me this week and I've been incommunicado, it's because this whole adoption thing is sapping all my energy. A couple of posts ago, I mentioned getting an e-mail from my birth mother. Things got kind of wild 'n' crazy after that.

I have two sisters: Cari, who's almost 25, and Lynn, who's 23. Two little sisters. Kate just went from being an "only" to being an "oldest." Both of them still live in Memphis, and I've been in contact a few times with Cari. I know after nearly three decades apart, we won't have a normal sibling relationship. (E-mail from Cari today: Also, do you have a cell phone and do you like to text? I can give you my cell number if you ever want to communicate that way. It's really cool to not be the older child anymore! LoL)

Not only have I connected with my past (and thus my medical history, which are the files I really need), but I have sisters. I'm a sister. I haven't processed it yet.

And that comes to the second piece of news I haven't hit on yet in the blog: Paul and I are going to be spending June and July -- and probably part of May -- in Memphis because he's been contracted to run a laboratory there. A job. Back in Memphis. (Big congrats to him, no matter the location of the contract. I'm proud, as usual.) So, if you're keeping track: My parents visit us in Charleston this weekend, we move to our new apartment next week, we spend about two weeks in the new apartment before going to Memphis for two and a half months -- a logistical nightmare -- and while I'm in Memphis, I'll be meeting my two little sisters.

I guess I started therapy at just the right moment. (It coincided with the blog going down.) As far as bipolar patients go, I'm definitely manic right now -- definitely -- though I'm trying to sleep and at least eat a little and do not-crazy things. I never, ever miss my meds ... and I even dyed my hair back from pink to sensible brown.

I'm not sure I'm making any sense. This post wasn't well-planned. There's just a lot bouncing around my head right now -- a lot to process -- so it's probably best that I'm taking my mind off things with crap like You Don't Mess With the Zohan. See last post. Didn't give proper credit to Paul.

If you get a sec and know anyone who's part of the adoption triad (an adoptee, a birth parent or an adoptive parent), this DMC video had me in tears. Lots of tears. But (finally) good tears.

I'm a sister. And I'm going back to Memphis. Kind of hard to figure out where and who and what and when.


Blogger Johanna said...

Holy fuck. This is INSANE!

I popped over here not expecting to be hit with all this news, all at once.

But, God, I am SOOOOOO freaking happy for you. That's awesome about the sisters, that's awesome about your mother (and your medical records).

And, on a selfish note, I'm effing thrilled you will be spending the summer in Memphis! It's like a dream come true. I have missed you soooooo much!

P.S. Are Fred and Joe coming home with you?

6:57 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

The Fred-Kitty and The Joe-Kitty are indeed going back to Memphis with us. :)

I'll keep you posted on dates.

9:26 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

Wow, and I was feeling like my life had a lot going on. Look at you! Like a Lifetime movie (the good ones with real actresses, not the Tori Spelling ones [though those are great in their own way!]).

10:19 AM  
Blogger kryp said...

sisterz eh?

next u'll be auditioning for the 3rd Twilight flick...

{{mischevious smile}}
jokes aside, it takes time to process BIG NEWS

like the day i found out i was half-sumthing, and..other stuff

ur coping pretty well, i would say :]

6:04 AM  

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