Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Moving magic

I've never made it through a move without liberal use of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I probably never will.

That mark in the office where the movers dropped the cherry wood chest? Gone. The handprint where Paul fell trying to fix the printer? Gone. The huge spot in the den where the blue La-Z-Boy rubbed off on the wall? Totally gross ... and now gone. So, yeah, I fully endorse the Magic Eraser. Good stuff.

Let's watch the hits roll in from people who use the website Google to search for the phrase "Mr. Clean Magic Eraser." (Ooh, Smacky, AP style FTW!) And speaking of search phrases, let me send a shout-out to you folks who are still straggling to my site by searching for "it felt like jesse ventura came through the door and picked up the recliner." I get a couple more hits every month from people who search for that, so I might as well mention it once in a while. Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson.


Blogger smacky said...

Nice post, Ms. Kate. I'm Smacky, and I approve this message!

7:11 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Oh man, I had to take a few boxes of those and clean every door in a hotel once. They really are magic.

11:30 AM  

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