Saturday, June 13, 2009

The nightmare bee

Editor's nightmare: I just woke up from a dream in which I couldn't spell recombinant.

I was standing in line at Wendy's, writing down the order of the person in front of me. He was this kind of smarmy guy who was complaining he couldn't order an appetizer. But whatever he did order had the word "recombinant" in it. I wrote it down as "recombinent," and Paul, who was behind me in line, gently corrected my spelling. The smarmy Wendy's dude agreed with him. Then I woke up.

And now I'm sitting here at 4:30 a.m. writing this because I was so disturbed by this dream that I had to get out of bed to check to prove I really can spell recombinant correctly.


Anonymous Paul said...


6:20 PM  
Blogger kryp said...

thx fer makin me smile.

long day...

4:22 AM  

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