Thursday, June 11, 2009

The obvious joke has been made in the first paragraph

This is out of the realm of something I'd normally post, but as I told a friend the other day, it's not that gross once you think about it. So ... yeah. This is what the Depakote did to me. (No, it didn't give me hairy palms. I already thought of that joke.) It made my hair fall out! A lot of it!

I'd take a better picture (wha-?!?!), but alas, I've already thrown the damn thing away.

The only reason I'm showing this horrible picture now is because I got my hair cut into a fashionable bob today and my hairdresser told me my hair is growing back (yay!), but it's growing in curly (WTF?!). Regarding the blob o' hair, she said it looked like I'd been through chemo. :( I'm sure it's not that unusual for hair to change its mood, but it's weird that half my hair is going to be straight(ish) and half is going to be curly(ish).

Okay, that's not why I'm showing the horrible picture. I'm actually showing it because it is pretty darn gross and, well, why the heck not. (Go ahead, eww and ahh.)

By the way, that's fuzz from my brush. Not dandruff. Just thought I'd point that out before someone said something that made me more self-conscious than I already am about losing a crapload of hair.

P.S. Depakote sucks.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

As a lady with a combination of straight and curly hair, I feel your pain. The fastest way for me to do it is to stick in a handful of gel and sort of fluff it up, and the curly hair will stick to the straight, making the whole thing curly. If it helps. Or not, you know.

1:48 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Side effects include spelling dreams, hairy palms, and elevated heart rate. If hairy palms last longer than four hours, contact your doctor.

11:03 AM  

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