Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Microfic or Project 365?

I have a friend who wants me to write a book. A book! This person keeps insisting I have a book inside me, that everything I love — every story, every song — wouldn't exist had somebody not put nose to grindstone and written it down.

I dot my life with narratives in my head — is that neurotic? — but I don't think in book-length; I think in microfic. (My Flashshot will be here through 7/16. The author bio is obviously outdated; I was accepted for publication in April and it's just now rolling through.) Truth be told, I'm an editor through and through. I get my kicks away from the spotlight (and I'm double happy if MS Excel is involved). I won't go so far as to say I'll never try my hand at a book, but I just don't think I'm cut out for it right now.

That said, I'm still not working full-time, so there's no reason why I shouldn't be writing something. I have it down to two options:
Microfiction: Extremely short stories (50, 100 or 150 words, depending on definition)


Project 365: A photo and accompanying narrative each day for a year
I guess I'll sit on the idea a couple of days and see what strikes my fancy first. Suggestions welcome.


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Project 365 sounds interesting, but painstaking toi me. Of course, me being the nerd who has always had this long story in my head that I STILL haven't completed a final edit on, maybe I'm the wrong person to ask.

Microfic sounds difficult to me too, but again, I seem t be rather long winded when I do write, unless it is on my role play character.

When you "have a book in you," I think you'll know. I think you have an amazing writing ability, and you've got some life events you could pull into the creative stuff longer stories are made of. After all, a book could be fiction, non fiction, anything. I think if you put yourself to it you could. Maybe it's just something to think about?

And I'll stop rambling now!

10:18 PM  
Blogger FF said...

I second the Project 365 motion. I love your creative slant with pictures!

11:01 PM  

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