Thursday, July 09, 2009

P365 Day 0: The view from my bed

I'm still not sure I'm going to go with Project 365 over a daily microfiction, but I thought I'd at least share what I see when I wake up in the morning. I'll admit I did a little photo manip on this one because I couldn't get the camera blurry enough.

No matter where I live, no matter the time of year, I sleep on the side of the bed facing the window. I'm a morning person through and through, and I like to wake up with the sun (5:45 this morning). My eyesight is incredibly poor. I don't see a window; I see slats of blurry light and slats of blurry dark, and I think that actually adds to the mystique of morning. At night, I am covered in a blanket of hazy darkness, but by morning — at least before I put on my glasses — that darkness has turned a cottony white that coaxes me out from under the covers.

... And that's why I wake up smiling.


Anonymous Carol said...

You wake up just like me...

9:02 AM  

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