Friday, July 10, 2009

P365 Day 1: Fred's pearly whites

Meet Fred, showing off her lion pedigree. Fred has definitely become acclimated to The Great Indoors since I first met her in March 2006. (Here's the original "Oops, I let a cat in the house" post.) Fun facts about Fred:
  • Her name is Fred, and just Fred. It is not short for Fredrika, despite what my mother says.
  • She loves crinkly things. Especially in the middle of the night.
  • She weighs in at about 12 and a half pounds, but ...
  • ... The doctor says she's not fat — she just has a big head. (Honest. That's what the vet said.)
I think this Project 365 thing might work out. It's going to be hella tough to remember to take my camera everywhere, but it's worth a shot. I'll send cookies to anyone who jumps in with me.


Anonymous Paul said...

That is a really good photo. Fred looks sleepy in that picture though (she has a white nose).

It's funny reading that first post - fred still! likes all types of electrical cords and using us as a scratching post >_<

9:30 PM  

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