Tuesday, July 21, 2009

P365 Day 11: In which I lament The Box

(I've heard most cats spend 30 percent of their lives grooming themselves, but the closest Joe comes to clean is getting in the shower after we turn it off.)


I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but one of the big reasons I'm dying to go back to Chas. is to open The Box.

The Box has been on my mind since we left. As I was frantically unpacking as many boxes as I could in the week before we left for Memphis, one smallish box flipped on its side, rolled a few times and hit the floor. This box was marked "BREAKABLES FROM CHINA CABINET."

I hung my head. I sighed. Twice. With one foot, I nudged it under a chair. I didn't open it. I didn't want to know what qualified as "breakables."

But now it's killing me. I want more than anything to go back to Chas. and open The Box.

Of course, knowing me, that unshakable urge will pass as soon as I get home.


Anonymous Paul said...

We should take bets on how much broken stuff may or may not be in there >_<

1:14 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

I saw this and thought of you. Is this a glimpse of the future?

It's the comic for July 22, so if you go to the link on another day, just go to that date.


11:58 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

I love it. :)

8:33 PM  

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