Wednesday, July 22, 2009

P365 Day 12: Suburban wasteland

Paul and I came across this overgrown (but once clear-cut) area near the place we're staying in Memphis. The roads have been built and the PVC sewer piping is sticking up from every lot, but for the most part, it's just wasteland. This happened in a lot of local suburbia as the housing bubble burst. Some builders, such as the company that built all the houses in my parents' neighborhood, completely folded; others are just holding on to their land for some undetermined period until things are "better."

Pictures like this one, though, make me wonder which is worse: (1.) acres of clear-cut land that aren't on the market and seem largely unmarketable in this economy, or (2.) rows of spec housing that would be built here had the owners started a few months earlier. Hmm.


Tomorrow, Paul and I are going with a couple we know to SCORE Memphis' day-long seminar on starting a small business. I'm a little nervous about going — probably just because I don't know what to expect — but the alternative is spending the day doing what I do every Thursday, which isn't much.

I did buy a nice, new, blue sweater for the event. I hope it doesn't make me look like an old lady.


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