Friday, July 24, 2009

P365 Day 14: To do (or not to do)

What I needed to do today: Edit three chem papers totaling about 65 pages (face-down here because they're IP), make an appointment for a haircut

What Paul's list suggested I do today:
  • Take a smelly bath
  • Hold the Joe
    (not necessarily in that order)
  • Pet Fred
  • Order a pizza from Domino's
    (whatever kind you like)
    (like pineapple & ham or something)
  • Drink some Drank
  • Take a nap
What I've actually done today: Edited half of one paper (I fell asleep), taken a nap, lit a stick of incense, made soup

It's just a lazy, laid-back Friday. I did tentatively pick up a three-day editing gig that will extend my time in Memphis by one day. So that's something productive!

Happy not-quite-the-weekend, everyone.


Blogger Johanna said...

I love that he put "not necessarily in that order," just in case you thought you HAD to take a bath before you held Joe. Knowing Paul, this wasn't a joke -- he was probably being literal.

He might have thought if he didn't write that line on there, you'd wake up, see The Joe coming and hold up your hand, like, "No. Cannot. Pet. You. Now. Must. Take. Smelly. Bath. FIRST!"

He's not the brightest cookie in the drawer, after all ;)

2:48 PM  
Blogger Johanna said...


Are we SURE he wanted you to take a nap?

Because I just clicked on that image, and if you look at his handwriting it seriously looks more like it says:

Take Crap.

Maybe he wanted to make sure your digestive system would be okay after the pizza.

6:43 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Especially considering that it's Domino's pizza. My brother, who worked at Papa John's, insists that everyone else uses off-brand toppings. LOL.

10:34 AM  

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