Saturday, July 25, 2009

P365 Day 15: Baubles ahoy

First of all: I'm making an emergency (!!!) trip back to Charleston Tuesday for a job interview Thursday. I'm going alone, and chances are I'll be back in Memphis Saturday. I'll blog more about this as it gets closer to interview time. ^_^

And now ... remember the bear ring I wanted from eBay? The day after I posted, I realized I was most likely in a bidding war with someone who was bidding it up for the seller. Instead of reporting them, I upped my bid and bid on two other things, then freaked out and told my friend Chris, "Oh god, I hope I'm outbid on two of these things." I was.

I did win this awesome turquoise necklace from Israel, which arrived in the mail today. Pretty, huh? I almost feel bad having gone to the Intergalactic Bead Show this afternoon and taking in a haul of chrysoprase and an eye agate. Some beautiful stuff. I'll post them as I get them wrapped.


Blogger Johanna said...

This is what I get for having a short attention span.

As I read your post, I read too quickly, and I somehow thought "Intergalactic Bead Show" was "Intergalactic BEAR Show."

I guess I was thinking of the bear ring you'd mentioned at the beginning of the post, and I was thinking you "almost felt bad" for going to the intergalactic bear show without the bear ring.

I clicked the link, of course. Because I was dying to know what the hell and Intergalactic BEAR Show was. (A convention for people who like bears? And, yes, I am aware there are two types of "bears" people could be into.)

As soon as I made it to the bead show page, I realized my error. I was kinda disappointed it was just beads.

3:10 PM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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