Sunday, July 26, 2009

P365 Day 16: In which I dream about censorship

(Most cumbersome book title ever. Also, I'm pretty sure information on choosing a password and not engaging in Nigerian scam nonsense could be distilled into about four pages.)


A couple of years ago, I posted about a board game called The Singing Bee, a totally un-fun version of the Joey Fatone-hosted TV show. (That link is worth a clickthru just to see his Happy Joey face.) In the board game, players must fill in the blanks of songs with the correct lyrics. It's all quite _____ if you ask me.

The Singing Bee didn't live on my game shelf for long. In fact, I'm pretty sure it never made it inside the house. I took it to the office and shoved it under my desk (great footrest — no, really), and when I left for Chas., I bequeathed it to the reporters. Recently, one of the reporters told me he leaves the clue cards on other reporters' keyboards at random, which is a totally in the spirit of what I should have done with the game.

Well, last night, I dreamed that someone in the office (which, for dream purposes, was crammed into my old house) left a note on the office game shelf (which, for dream purposes, was located across from the toilet in the upstairs bathroom) taking offense at The Singing Bee for censoring its game cards. "See all these blank spaces? They've redacted parts of the song! We must do something about this!"

Now in most people's dreams, "doing something about this" would mean "never playing this game again," which, coincidentally, fits nicely with how the situation has been handled in real life. However, in my dream, someone went through and filled in the blanks on every card. Had anyone been paying attention, they could have flipped over the cards, because the answers are on the back.


Blogger smacky said...

They could've dropped "for seniors" and then the picture below the title would make you assume the "dummies" were old people. A little more insulting that way, but it's what they mean anyway!

8:30 AM  

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