Friday, July 17, 2009

P365 Day 7: We Are the Champions

[geek out]

I snapped up one of the 10K closed-beta keys for Champions Online this morning. (Screenshot from their site.) Closed beta starts Aug. 1. I haven't been this excited since CoH was released.

I refuse to play most fantasy MMOs, a la WoW, because I don't want to be Just Another Orc (as Paul puts it). Never been a problem to put myself in a superhero MMO though.

I make a very normal-looking, could-be-an-editrix character with a very normal name such as Kate (or, if I'm feeling saucy, Fairly Incrediblekate), then I give her kickin' rad powers such as psionic beams that shoot out of her fingertips and knock down evildoers. (You know, just like real life.)

Thanks to Logik and Woody for the heads-up. I've missed playing with you guys. <3

[/geek out]


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

All those years of the "I'll zap you!" and "I'll zap you back!" tirades are apparently paying off.

Just don't get caught in the middle. :)

2:54 PM  

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