Sunday, July 19, 2009

P365 Day 9: Happy Anniversary!

(Paul in front of the Mississippi River. Taken at Tunica RiverPark on July 18, 2009.)

It's our anniversary. Seven years. It's absolutely flown by, in no small part because of that little five-year doctoral stint right in the middle. Like every couple, we've had our little spats and rough spots, but we've come through stronger — both as individuals and as a couple.

You've been there for me for twelve years, during the good times and the bad. You even wore the little scrubby hat during my biopsy to make me laugh. And despite your (irrational) fear, Paul, I never once stabbed you in the leg.

Every day I'm with you, I love you more and more. Thanks for giving me the best time of my life. <3


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Awww... *sniff* Happy Anniversary!

(Stab in the leg??????)

3:30 PM  
Blogger FF said...

Wow. 12 years. It seems like it was just yesterday.

Congratulations, you two. Soulmates you are. :)

5:16 PM  

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