Tuesday, August 04, 2009

P365 Day 25: Second home

This is the lovely home in which Paul and I have been staying while we're in Memphis. The coolest indoor feature is the octagonal dining room (no photo because it's not furnished right now). The coolest outdoor feature is the roof rain, the timed sprinkler system on the roof that surprises everyone who approaches any part of the house between 8:10 and 8:25 a.m. and p.m. You've been warned.


I have an epic game of spades scheduled for tonight. It's epic because it's the first time my little group has played in two years and Matt and I must avenge our loss to Paul and Johanna's double blind nil during our last game. Matt and I were one hand away from winning the game that fateful night, but Paul and Johanna's Hail Mary play managed to sink us in a single hand.

I've carried a pang of guilt for two years because Matt's a spades whiz and I caused our loss that night. He and I have won our share of games, but I'm definitely the weaker player and hopelessly drag him down. He's always been very patient with me. If he rolls his eyes at my lacking card skills, he does it where I can't see him.

Fortunately for me, he doesn't read my blog. I'd hate to give him any notions about finding another partner because that would just upset the balance of the universe.


Anonymous Paul said...

Protip: How to spectacularly lose a game of spades.

Lose (3)! Nil hands on the very. last. card. of that hand.

Oh well - whats the fun of playing without going out on a limb.

The sad thing is - one hand i had the ace and king of clubs. I lost the nil on a 7 of hearts >_<

2:08 AM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    P365 Day 24: Wisdom for the ages
    P365 Day 23: Adventures of Grimace
    P365 Day 22: On my way to Memphis
    P365 Day 21: In which I open the box
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    P365 Day 17: Hanging out with Matt