Wednesday, August 05, 2009

P365 Day 26: Epic spades win

I have been avenged! Matt and I won our spades game with my well-placed (but admittedly by mistake) diamond during the last hand. Johanna and Paul's problem is that they had this grand strategy to come from behind like last time, and it bit them in the ass — not once, not twice, but three times.

Rematch is Sunday night. Why bother when the real champions have already vanquished the posers?

No idea why Paul wrote "FFFF" on there, but I think it stands for "F-F-F-Fail."

By the way, the cards we were using were (sort of cute) bordering on creepy. Here's a picture of the one we call Crotch Dog:

All in all, that was the most fun I've had in a long time ... and not just because Matt and I totally pantsed Paul and Johanna. It's good to be in the company of good friends ... even those who are going to lose again Sunday night. <3


Blogger Johanna said...

Ah, good old Crotch Dog!

6:24 PM  

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