Sunday, August 09, 2009

P365 Day 30: One month down

It is with great frustration that The Joe-Kitty marks the last day of the first month of my Project 365. Why? Because she knows I've turned into a total shutterbug, and unlike that spider on the dining room floor, she can't playfully pull the legs off a shutterbug one by one. It's been a fun month — and it's gone by really quickly! Though my tweets have taken a major hit, I'm enjoying once again blogging on a regular basis. Yay, P365!

And as my first month of P365 comes to a close, I'm also entering my last week in Memphis. I'm sure I'll have plenty more to say as the week winds down, but for now, I'm getting in those last, special lunches and coffee runs with friends and family. Paul and I had lunch with my sister yesterday. (He says there's a family resemblance. Maybe if I wiped the damn smirk off my face.)

[Deleted this graf because all my plans today were canceled. Funny how that works out.]

P.S. I really love that picture of The Joe-Kitty. Man, she looks peeved.


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    P365 Day 29: To prom or not to prom
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