Tuesday, August 11, 2009

P365 Day 32: Three fun facts (plus one to grow on)

Fun fact: My favorite music to listen to while editing is the soundtrack from the Myst series. The same 93 songs on repeat. (Actually, that's sort of not true. I listen to other instrumental music, but I come back to Myst again and again.)

Fun fact #2: Solstice gum tastes exactly like Thin Mints, which is a cheap way to get your fix between cookie sales (or between trips to Wal-Mart, which might or might not be knocking off the Girl Scouts).

Fun fact #3: My favorite Girl Scout cookies are Samoas.

Something I learned while researching this post: You can use this website to find out how long you're going to have to wait for Girl Scout cookie sales in your area. As of this very moment, I have to wait 144 days, 6 hours, 34 minutes, and 22 seconds for mine. (?!)


Anonymous sandy said...

You never have to wait for GS thin mints again! Here's how to make them yourself:
melt chocolate and mix in peppermint extract
spread on Ritz crackers
DELICIOUS, trust me.

4:42 PM  

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