Saturday, August 15, 2009

P365 Day 36: In which I get stung twice by a jellyfish

Paul and I bought a new TV in Memphis and haven't gotten rid of the old one, so our temporary setup allows me to play Rock Band on one TV and watch skateboarding on the other. <3

We arrived in Charleston last night and hit the beach this afternoon. All was well until a jellyfish took a swipe at my left foot. We got out of the water to have a look at it, then I decided the draw of the ocean was greater than the pain on my foot. So we braved the water again ... and I got stung again, this time on my right leg. It turned all red and splotchy, so we came home and I popped a couple of ibuprofen and Benadryl.

Just this morning, Paul said, "I can't think of the word for a person who does the same thing over and over again and expects different results." Yeah, that would be "me."


Blogger Jon Capezzuto said...

"Perfectionist?" :D

9:58 AM  

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