Monday, August 17, 2009

P365 Day 38: In which I paint to cheer myself up

It's kind of hard to play long-distance spades, but I couldn't just forget about the semi-cute-bordering-on-creepy cat-themed playing cards Johanna, Matt, Paul and I used for our game a couple of weeks ago. Johanna left them at my house, so they made the trip back to Charleston with me. This morning, I decided to paint Crotch Dog. Not perfect but not too bad, in my humble opinion. I'll touch up details tomorrow. [Edit: Okay, the more I look at it, the more it looks like a child did it. Oh well. Kept me busy.]

The painting was just my way of getting my mind off things like Joe's mounting vet bills ($1,300) and my lack of a job. I put out a couple of feelers today, so we'll see if anything pans out.

I'm going to the vet to visit Joe this afternoon. They're keeping her at least one more day, but they say she's awake and alert. I just want to make sure my baby's OK.

You know, I don't know what I'm going to do with this painting. Probably put it in a box with the other things I've doodled over the years.


Anonymous Paul said...

Is that the card or the actual painting? I can't really tell the difference (Seriously)

3:52 PM  
Blogger Johanna said...

That really is a striking reproduction of Crotch Dog. I thought it was the actual card at first.

3:37 PM  

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