Monday, August 24, 2009

P365 Day 45: Three of a kind

Here's Fred-Kitty with my Fred shoes! ^_^ (Secret: Those shoes are actually quite uncomfortable and I don't wear them often. I just can't bring myself to get rid of them because they're so darn cute.)

We've run into some issues with Joe-Kitty's health problems — but not how you'd expect. Paul is great at administering the IV (I'm sure that has something to do with his instrumentation background). The problem is that Fred seems to be insanely jealous of all the attention Joe is getting, though she probably doesn't realize why Joe's constantly in the carrier or on the table with us ... or whatever. Cats are very much like children. Except, you know, for the litter box thing. And the bathing oneself thing.

Joe's back at the vet tomorrow. Hopefully the results of the culture will be in and we'll see whether it's a bacterial infection. Either way, she's leaps and bounds better than she was a week ago. And I mean it; she's literally leaping and bounding around.

Paul starts classes Wednesday. Time flies, no?


Blogger Morning Star said...

love this picture

3:11 AM  

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