Sunday, August 16, 2009

Yes, I really do call her snickerdoodle fuzzbutt

The little Joe-Kitty is really quite sick. The vet says she's in renal distress (I suppose that's just short of renal failure?) and that the problem is likely congenital. She's awake from her lab work and is receiving IV fluids and antibiotics.

Visiting hours are at 11:30 p.m. (!!!), so it's going to be a late night for us. We're taking Joe-Kitty her favorite duck:

Tomorrow she'll be transferred to the vet next door for an ultrasound. We'll know more about her prognosis after 24 hours or so.

Oh, snickerdoodle fuzzbutt, you gotta come home soon. Fred's not as fond of my singing as you, and she won't let me cradle her and call her stupid names. Whatever will I do while you're not around?


Anonymous Paul said...

I hope the internet is right on this one and that her renal problems are simply due to extreme dehydration.

8:22 PM  
Blogger Jon Capezzuto said...

I'll take "(B) Extreme Dehydration and Quick Recovery" - final answer!

Hope your sweet kitty comes home soon!

9:34 PM  

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