Saturday, September 12, 2009

P365 Day 64: Impulse shopper

Paul went to the store to pick up a prescription for me and came back with a frozen pizza, Double Stuf Oreos, a bag of Dove chocolate, a bag of Kit Kat bars and a big bag of sour cream and onion chips.

... At least he remembered the prescription.


Anonymous Paul said...

EVERY one of those things looked really good too.

Let's see - i want something sweet (procedes to buy chocolate, chocolate, and cream adn chocolate). Oh man, i want something salty too. Cheezit's or Chips (Chips won this time)

OH MAN, we need dinner - hey sweet, walgreens sells digiorno (Its not delivery, its digiorno!) - hmmm, pepperoni and supreme are the same price, cool.

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Paul said...

OOOOOOH YEAH. Can't forget the presciption. >_<

7:15 PM  

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