Saturday, September 19, 2009

P365 Day 71: What comics?

I needed to grab something at the comic book store today, so I trusted my handy-dandy GPS to get me to the closest one. Alas, this is all I found. Boo-hoo. I just didn't have the fortitude to make it all the way across town to another store, so I just scooted it over to my list of things to do Monday.

Fangirl FTL.

Yesterday, doc added Seroquel to my current regimen (now 4). Man, it makes me mellow. I'm so chill, I'm ___(insert chill joke here)___. And I'm just getting started. Does anyone have positive/negative feedback about Seroquel?

Bummer about the comic book store, you know? My GPS has led me astray.

[Edit: Forgot to point out the text next to the black paint on the door. It says, "Let me in please." Somebody really wanted in, but not at the expense of etiquette . Magic word, ahoy!]


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