Sunday, September 27, 2009

P365 Day 79: Come Together

Traded in a few games today and picked up The Beatles: Rock Band and Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. Sorry to see you go, Katamari. (Not really; after the novelty wore off, the only thing left was the great soundtrack, and that's downloaded to my iPod.)

I played a little of both TB:RB and Layton today and enjoyed both. Then I fell asleep.


Anonymous Paul said...

I would like to point out that Legend of Zelda sucked and was monotonous - despite me liking zelda games (phantom menace was pretty good).

Super Paper Mario got old fast, it's almost like they tried too hard to be funny. I also hit a boss I could not figure out and gave up.

Rampage made my elbows hurt :( otherwise i liked it a lot.

Katamari was the pinicle of gimickry that apparently is loved by videogame nerds everywhere (i think i am missing the forest for the trees here).

And i just never play the PS2 anymore - so bye Tony Hawk. Virtua Fighter seems really arcane and convulted compared to tekkan and street fighter, i think it is because it has an actual block button, which i don't know how to use.

1:37 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

I just finished the Diabolical Box on Saturday. I loved it, even though the puzzles were a little easier than the first game.

2:32 PM  

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