Monday, September 28, 2009

P365 Day 80: Puzzled

I'm stuck on this "get the garbage in the garbage can" puzzle. I started it last night, then went to bed on the premise that I'd subconsciously work it out in my sleep. No such luck. It's the first Layton puzzle to give me any grief.

I spent a decent portion of my afternoon chipping away at a project for the Memphis paper for which I used to work. I'm proud of the amount I got accomplished. It was enough that I don't feel guilty for taking a nap between now and the time Paul gets home from work. I've got a nasty little sore throat that doesn't need to get any worse.

[Edit: Within 15 minutes of posting this, I solved it.]


Blogger angrygrrface said...

I suck so bad at the puzzles where you have to move the blocks around. There was one near the end that I had to go online and cheat to get the answer to.

I am ashamed.

1:01 AM  
Blogger Johanna said...

Oh my God! I can see the bear in the upper lefthand corner! (That would be courtesy of the bf, who installed Firefox or whatever on my computer.)

2:56 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Layton's apprentice strikes again!

11:18 PM  

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