Tuesday, September 29, 2009

P365 Day 81: Champion in his own mind (and mine, too)

Unintentional third-day-in-a-row gaming post. Paul and I are having a blast with Champions Online, at least in the bits of time that aren't taken up by work and other responsibilities. The group with whom we played City of Heroes has largely re-formed, which makes for nice company.

On the menu tonight: ham and potato soup, a recipe downloaded from Allrecipes and heavily modified just because. It looks and smells delish, but I won't know for sure for another 15 minutes or so. Ooh — there goes Paul, mixing in something else. This is going to be Frankensoup. If it's any good, I'll post our recipe.

Sore throat is getting worse. It's just stupid post-nasal drip from my allergies, but it is so annoying. Ricola Cherry Honey drops are my new best friend. Sorry, old best friend, but you've been replaced by cough drops.


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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