Wednesday, September 30, 2009

P365 Day 82: It earned its name

Note: I have a friend who loathes soup. Loathes it. Unfortunately, she's probably already seen the nice, big picture above. Sucks to be her.

The soup I mentioned in last night's post turned out fab. It was hammy and potatoey and a little bit cheesy. Made for great leftovers for lunch. We enjoyed it enough to write down our modified recipe ... but, unfortunately, the amount of work involved — diced everything and then some — led us to title it "Effort Soup."

We probably won't be making Effort Soup often, though I might whip it up when my parents visit in a couple weeks (... says Kate, as she looks out upon the messy apartment and vows to start cleaning it tomorrow).

My Daily News work progressed nicely today. Time for a short nap, then I'll get ready to meet the people across the hall. We're taking care of their cat, Bootsies, while they vacation in Mexico. (Isn't that a precious name?!) In return, they're taking care of Fred and Joe while we go to Memphis for Thanksgiving. Considering our pet sitter costs about $20/day, it's a nice arrangement.


Blogger Johanna said...


Sorry, I'm sure it was tasty but it was also soup. That picture was just frightening.

How can people eat this stuff? When I eat soup, I feel like I'm eating vomit.

In happier news, I'm super excited you'll be in Memphis for a whole week! The countdown to Abuelo's and Red Robin is on! (But I'm still hoping to make it out your way first!)

6:25 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

And now you all know who hates soup.

8:18 PM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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