Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Average (?!) life

I've made it my mission to read My Life is Average, starting at page 1 and going through 700-whatever (then going back to the beginning to catch up). I find MLIA elicits more of that small-grin-happy-heart-precious-shoulder-shrug than either My Life is G or F My Life.

I literally choked on my Hawaiian Punch when I read this:
Today, I was playing a game with my two-year-old brother, in which I would make an animal sound, and he would respond with the corresponding animal. After he correctly answered "cow" to my "moo", I said, in a deep, manly voice, "I love the ladies". He said "Mommy". I have never been more curious as to what my mother says when I'm not around. MLIA
Funny. Still coughing.


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