Thursday, October 29, 2009

P365 Day 111: My costumes were never this clever

Tonight, Paul and I went to the apartment complex's Halloween party. Among the adults, we saw a witch, a guy in a dress and 'fro, an H1N1 pig and a very convincing Rubik's cube. Among the kids, we saw vampires, storm troopers, a witch, a half-dog/half-fireman, and this precious piece of sushi! I hope she wins the costume contest.

Hey, locals, Bootsies still needs a home. (Go on, click through. She's adorable.) Her owner moved out today and can't take her with him to his new place, and I caught her hovering near the door of his apartment, waiting to be let in. She then ran toward me and tried to get in our apartment. Paul's told me we can't take her in — and I know he's right, even if I really feel sorry for her — so I at least want to do my part to help her find a new home.

Sushi. Too cute. I don't remember every Halloween, but I think my favorite was my bear costume from when I was about four. Anyone else remember their favorite costumes?


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