Saturday, October 10, 2009

P365 Day 92: I've got my eye on you

This is usually the last thing I see before Joe-Kitty attacks the camera cord and all the subsequent pictures are blurry.

My parents and grandmother are driving into Charleston tonight and spending a few days with us. Mom said the only things she wants for her birthday tomorrow are cupcakes from Cupcake, and I think I can oblige that. They'll get to see their grandcats (and, for my grandmother, her great-grandcats!) and I'll get to do the tourist thing with the family. Fun!


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    P365 Day 91: In heavy rotation (around the sun)
    P365 Day 90: Warm cozy
    P365 Day 89: In which I annotate my books
    P365 Day 88: Today I'm drinking ...
    P365 Day 87: What I'm not reading
    P365 Day 86: Fred-Kitty's Halloween stash
    P365 Day 85: She doesn't actually have boots
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    P365 Day 83: Chromatocat
    P365 Day 82: It earned its name