Friday, October 16, 2009

P365 Day 98: Wrap it up

Unwrapped stones have been piling up in the bead box through no fault of their own. I pick out pieces I like but don't really know where I want to take them. Take, for example, my trip to Beads on Cannon the other day. So many pieces that could become something; I just don't know what yet.

I spent a little time this morning working with 20-gauge wire — a little stiffer than the wire I'm used to — and ended up with two broken nails and a goldstone that doesn't really strike my fancy. (I'd forgotten that wire wrapping takes a big toll on my nails.) I've held off on cutting the wire and starting over.

I'm glad to have something to keep my hands busy. I'll get back in the groove of wrapping soon enough.


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    P365 Day 97: In which I have a lunch outing
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