Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

As much as I love my friends and family, it's easy to take them for granted — especially when they're just down the street. Moving 11 hours from home base has made me realize how important little moments can be. No spades game I play will be exactly the same (or as epic) as the one I played this summer. And no Thanksgiving will be exactly the same as today.

I don't tell my little tribe often enough how much I love them, how much they keep me going when I'm depressed and how they calm me down when I'm upset. Just as no day will ever be the same as today, no one can replace the special place in my heart I have for my family and friends.

So on this Thanksgiving, I send my love out to my husband, my parents and in-laws, and my little group of friends that sticks by me no matter what. And on this special day, I also give thanks for my "new" old family: Carol, Cari and Lynn.

I love you guys. Thank you for being you.


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