Tuesday, November 10, 2009

P365 Day 123: Saturday night blues

I really, really wanted some Cheetos puffs tonight — not a problem since I was going grocery shopping anyway. One problem: Wal-Mart was out of regular Cheetos puffs and only had these, which turn your tongue blue when you eat them.

But that's not what's weird about them. What got me was the note in the bottom corner: Saturday Night Comes Alive. Because sitting alone at home on a Saturday night sucks ... unless you're full of artificially flavored orange cheese poofs and have an artificially colored blue tongue. ... I will try this on Saturday and report back.


Anonymous Paul said...

I was going to speculate about the identity of the color-change agent. I figured it had to be an indicator that turns from orange color at neutral to blue for the acidity of the mouth.

But it turns out that is all kinds of :effort: and I gave up.

9:08 PM  

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