Tuesday, November 17, 2009

P365 Day 130: Target comes through for me again

The other day, I was doing a little shopping in the "hip" part of Charleston. I felt out of place until someone complimented me on my purse. I didn't tell them I bought it for $7 at Target. I'll just let them go on thinking I'm one of the cool kids and that I picked it up as a one-off at one of the other hip boutiques downtown.

I'm in a really good mood today, despite my lips being swollen beyond belief because of one of my meds. (N.B.: Disappointingly, I don't look like Angelina Jolie. Apparently that takes more than big lips. Also, at least this med doesn't make my hair fall out in clumps like the last one did.)

I like being in a good mood. I'm taking Paul out to dinner.

And I'm carrying my $7 Target purse.


Blogger smacky said...

That is a cute bag, and does look like it came from trendy hipster boutique.

Do the lips hurt, or are they just good for giving the patented "sexy pout"?

9:52 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

My lips are killing me. Swollen to the point of bleeding. But like any Hollywood starlet would say, "At least I look good."

2:03 PM  

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