Wednesday, November 25, 2009

P365 Day 138: Being watched

Ever get the feeling you're being watched? By a red panda in a tree? ... It could happen. And this one never blinked. It was the creepiest staring contest I've had in a while.

Paul and I spent the afternoon at the Memphis Zoo (plug: Voted the No. 1 zoo in America by TripAdvisor — go see it). The baby grizzly bears in the newly opened Teton Trek were particularly endearing, which made up for the fact that giant pandas Ya Ya and Le Le were nowhere to be found (nothing new).

Tonight — actually as soon as I finish this darned post and get my butt off the computer — Paul and I are going to his family's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Then two more Thanksgiving celebrations tomorrow.

I'm vaguely considering standing in line for the 3 a.m. Old Navy Lego Rock Band promotion. Am I crazy?


Blogger smacky said...

I saw the ad and read the fine print. They will be passing out wrist bands, each good for the game. They have a limited number of each band for each of the three game systems (Wii, X-Box, Playstation 3).

Good luck if you go!

10:50 AM  

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