Tuesday, November 24, 2009

P365 Day 137: In which I see a movie that hits close to home

Mom and I went to see The Blind Side this afternoon. It's based on where I went to high school, though Michael Oher graduated a few years after me. It was fun figuring out which mean and awesome teachers were being portrayed. I've made no secret on my blog that even though I did well in high school, it left a progressively worse taste in my mouth each year, culminating with me going off to college and realizing there was a world out there that didn't revolve around constant Southern Baptist indoctrination with a hefty side of favoritism. (Twelve years of that!)

In that regard, The Blind Side was a nice reminder that even though I look back now and think, "Wooo, I'm glad that's over," there were plenty of good moments and teachers and families and friends that made it tolerable and, in many cases, even worthwhile. Ah, maybe I'm getting soft in my old age. I know at least a couple of my high school friends read this and are as cynical as me (or more!). To you, I suggest seeing The Blind Side and pelting tomatoes at the screen when the mean ol' English teacher comes around. :-)

Tonight: Tigers basketball game. Looking forward to seeing some Memphis hoops under new coach Josh Pastner. We're gonna rock the socks off Central Arkansas.


Blogger FF said...

Who was the mean old English teacher?

12:15 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Seriously? Is that rhetorical? Just because I pass a class doesn't mean I had to have liked it ... especially ten years later. (I know you're smiling. Admit it.)

6:30 PM  

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